I know it sounds silly, and I always made fun of people who seemed a little too into their dogs, but that was before I really understood. Sorry Mom, for all the jokes about Keno. I get it now. And I will try VERY hard not to make this Bruno's blog, but I'm not making any promises. Maybe I'll limit myself to one shameless Bruno posting a month. I'll call it, Bruno’s Day? A Day in Brunoland? Wow. Those both really suck. I’m open to suggestions. Please.

So for our first blog, it simply has to be about Bruno. Bruno is our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is about 15 months old. And yes, I'm biased in saying he is the cutest puppy on the block, but frankly, he is the cutest puppy on the block. I know this, because people in the neighborhood do not know my name. I'm known simply as "Bruno's Mom." I was called this recently when I was searching in a neighbor's yard for a lost cat. The next door neighbor saw me walking around the yard and came to investigate. And she said, and I quote, "Oh, you're Bruno's mom, aren't you?" (The cat was found safe and sound, btw)
Everyday Bruno does something to make us laugh. Literally every day. One day I was folding laundry in the bedroom, and realized Bruno had been quiet for a long time. Just like a child, I knew something had happened if he wasn't with me AND was quiet. Sure enough....

Notice the blue, completely ignored, dog toy next to him.
He's such a sweet little guy, and so helpful around the house. Here, he and Brandon are helping with the laundry.
Bruno’s hobbies are drinking, sleeping, playing cards,
traveling, playing Rock Band, reading, and hanging out with friends.