BL and TL
From: Tara

After reading the following article, I felt compelled to ressurect a phrase by my friend Eric. He rightly said that there are many people in this world who need a reality check. The guy from this article is one of them. But really, the title says it all.

"Robber Returned to To Ask Victim For Date"
What?  He did WHAT? And no, I'm not kidding.  Here is the full article, from Colombus, Ohio's TV10, since I'm not allowed to reprint it. It's very short, and one of the funniest, dumbest things I've read in a while.

The gist of the story is that this idiot, along with three others, broke into a couple's home.  Then just two hours later, Romeo here decided to come back and ask the woman he had just ROBBED out on a date. She remembered him and had a cousin call 911 while, I guess, she kept him talking. I wonder how that scenario played out in idiot-boy's head? I can imagine him talking to the two other guys that helped him with the robbery.

Idiot-boy: Did you see the way that chick was looking at me? I think I have a shot. I'm gonna go back. Do you think she'd go out with me?

Fellow Robbers: (snickering) Yeah, man, absolutely. We'll hold your loot for you while you go.

Idiot-boy: Gee, thanks guys! You're the best!

Even the police sergent said "We are not exactly sure what he was thinking at the time."  And so, to use Eric's quote:  Idiot-boy, this has been your reality check.  Don't spend it all in one place.
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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Sounds like a great book. I will remain a Regan fan. I loved that man and felt that he was just the person America need at that time to reunite a floundering patriotism. He and FDR are my favorite presidents. Wish this book was a part of the education system.

  2. glafleur Says:

    Hi Tara. Aunt Gayle was this above anon post. I really need computer use classes!