BL and TL
From: Tara

Well, it's been quite a long time since I blogged, but Brandon and I have been so busy that the time has flown.  We've moved to a new house, so we are officially Michigan residents.  And we have finally finished everything for the nursery, so we are completely ready for Alyssa's arrival.  Here are a few of the nursery pictures.  Coming soon, I shall have a very funny blog about the most interesting house I have ever seen.  It has a LARGE dinosaur in the front yard.  Hopefully I'll get that on here soon.  Just wait until you see it.  It makes the house in Bridge City with the ceramic lion eating a tiger look normal. 

But here are some nursery pics:

And just so you know, Bruno is adjusting fine to the new house.  He's already made friends with the neighbor dogs, and is enjoying relaxing with his Dad now that all the unpacking is done.

2 Responses
  1. Philip Smith Says:

    LOVE IT! We finished painting the nursery. All I have left is painting a piece of furniture and a tree on the wall! Our crib and dresser are supposed to be delivered this weekend! We are super excited!!! Love and miss you!

  2. Gayle LaFleur Says:

    Wow and wow! After seeing that room with all the moving boxes still there when I left, I am amazed how you and your mom transformed it. The room looks so cozy and inviting. Hope you and Alyssa have many great hours in it.
    I Laughed at the exhausted dad and dog pictures. They are priceless. Love and miss all of you.
    Aunt Gayle