From Brandon:

This picture shows his height in relation to the stand. Also, notice the book on the floor (as seen above) which would have been placed on top of the stand (as shown in this reenactment). This would have created added weight. The sheer amount of force that would have been needed to create this chain of events from Bruno's stand point would have been insurmountable. No way my client, in his stature, would have been able to achieve such a feat.

People of the blog, I am here to defend Bruno Landry on these false accusations of unlawfullness and rambunctiousness. The plaintiff will have you believe that Bruno Landry has a long history of devastation and destruction. I will attempt to show that this is a mere instance of mistaken identity and misfortune. First, in regards to the "planted" pictures below. In none of these pictures it was shown that he actually committed any of these crimes. He was not caught in-the-act on any of these pictures and all these should be considered inadmissible.
As a matter of fact, let's break down this picture in question.
Notice how Bruno Landry is not in the first picture. This is proof that the picture below was staged. As you can clearly see he is pleading for his innocence.
From the pictures above you can notice that the wooden stand would have had to have fallen back and to the right to have caused the tree to fall, back and to the right.
Again, notice the innocence plea. The sheer amount of angst and distraught my client is having to deal with over this whole matter is disconcerting to say the least.
It could be argued that he jumped on the recliner, saw the book, attempted to read said book and accidentally knocked over the stand. From previous blogs we have learned that he does indeed like a good read now and again. This is more plausable due to the better vantage point. He could have knocked over the stand easier. But wait, the book was not in the chair but on the floor. Clearly by the pictures above you can see that the trajectory of how the stand fell in relation to the book on the floor is perfectly in alignment. Also, notice the title of the book. "In Cold Blood", indeed.
How did this happen one may ask. It is up to speculation but I for one will not stand idly by while an innocent man is procecuted. Please ask yourself, isn't it innocent until proven guilty? Isn't this America? Isn't it the home of the brave and the land of the free? Let's not take away an innocent man's freedom.

There will be a "Save Bruno" rally Saturday 2PM at the dog park. Anyone who cannot attend may post a comment to help right this injustice.
Thank you and God bless.
This was entertaining read and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. But kenneling a dog is not just about what we are trying to keep them from "allegedly" destryoing, it is also about their safety and security.
Btw, you guys are very entertaining. Thanks for making me laugh today
How dare anyone accuse my precious little granddog of such a thing - a grave injustice! He must be so emotionally distraught! A trip south to his grandmother's would surely cure all - see you soon:)
BTW, I want the last picture to frame. E-mail it to me please
OMG Brandon! Just due to the fact that Bruno had to attain a defense attorney I am inclined to side with the Plaintiff. It seems as Bruno has the man of the house wrapped around his paw and therefore can do no wrong in your eyes. Kennel Bruno, before you are overun by a pushy puppy! Mine now likes to let me know he's upset with me by peeing on my pillow. And he gets away with it because he was never trained properly, bring in the kennel!!! And the new sheets! That's where you guys are headed. lol.---Amber!
Good thoughts on the innocence of our dear boy Bruno. And it was proba;lby just innocent running around fun while alone and bored. BUT: What if he was just playing around and the large wooden stand with the obviously heavy book landed on his head rather that the floor?? Would returning to a dog with a concussion ( or worse some serious injury) be a good consequence?? One of the jobs as a parent rather than a friend of your pets is to insure their safety. He is just a boy with the IQ of a 5 year old. Yes he is very smart and has a good hold on his papa and mama from what I have observed, but parents: Get grip. Give him a safe timeout place to be when he is alone so that there are many more good days to enjoy together. And I agree with his grandma, maybe he needs a trip south. Houston is also nice this time of year, and we all know I can spoil other people's kids. LOL
Sorry couldn't get the send your name in part right. I am the above writer of the hurt dog theory.
Aunt Gayle